The Last Theory
The Last Theory
The Last Theory

The best Wolfram Physics articles

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Looking for the best articles on Wolfram Physics? Here’s a list of the best Wolfram Physics writing from around the web, including the best of Stephen Wolfram’s many articles, the best of Jonathan Gorard’s important papers, and, of course, the best of The Last Theory articles.

Stephen Wolfram articles

Stephen Wolfram writes an incredible number of articles, full of brilliant insights.

The Wolfram Physics Project:

History of Wolfram Physics:

The Ruliad:


Other advanced topics in Wolfram Physics:

Philosophical implications of Wolfram Physics:

Updates on The Wolfram Physics Project:

Jonathan Gorard articles

Jonathan’s groundbreaking papers deriving General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics from the hypergraph:

Other papers from Jonathan:

The Last Theory articles

The Last Theory is my easy-to-follow exploration of Wolfram Physics. I keep my articles short, and include plenty of hypergraphs and other illustrations to make them the gentlest possible introduction to these complex ideas.

What is Wolfram Physics?

Nodes, edges, graphs & rules: the basic concepts of Wolfram Physics:

Hypergraphs in Wolfram Physics:

The multiway graph:

Space in Wolfram Physics:

Particles in Wolfram Physics:

Philosophy of physics:

Sociology of physics:

Updates on The Last Theory:

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