The Last Theory
The Last Theory
The Last Theory
    Newsletter #060    
28 July 2024
What precisely is causal invariance?

This one’s a bit of a breakthrough for me.

When he’s drawing the multiway graph, Stephen Wolfram has a tendency to regress from hypergraphs to strings of A’s and B’s.

I don’t want to do that. The Wolfram model is based on hypergraphs, so I want to draw the multiway graph with hypergraphs.

That has taken some time. I’ve had to rewrite much of my simulation software to generate images and animations of the multiway graph.

Here, at last, are the first fruits of my efforts: a visual explanation of causal invariance, not with strings of A’s and B’s, but with hypergraphs.



The Last Theory is hosted by Mark Jeffery, founder of Open Web Mind

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