The Last Theory
The Last Theory
The Last Theory
    Newsletter #068    
15 March 2025
Coherent consciousness in a branching universe
Stephen Wolfram

One of the aspects of the Wolfram model that exercises me the most is the idea that we, as conscious observers, occupy a large volume branchial space, just as we occupy a large volume of physical space.

In other words, just as we are spread across an immense number of nodes and edges of the hypergraph, we are spread across an immense number of branches of history.

So I asked Stephen Wolfram how I can exist across so many branches of history, and still perceive myself as a single, coherent, persistent consciousness?

Stephen’s answer takes us through branchial space to quantum computing, the maximum entanglement speed and the elementary length.


The Last Theory is hosted by Mark Jeffery, founder of Open Web Mind

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