You like Stephen Wolfram, right?
I mean, if he’s to be believed, he has reinvented physics, not to mention philosophy.
How could you not like such a thinker?
Well... it turns out that there are plenty of people who don’t like Stephen Wolfram... or his physics... or his philosophy.
Here are four criticisms of Stephen Wolfram I regularly hear...
...and here’s why these criticisms, though they hint at uncomfortable truths, nonetheless miss the mark.
Stephen Wolfram:
Stephen Wolfram’s claims:
- He has a path to the fundamental theory of physics
- He has an answer to the question: what is an observer?
- He has an answer to the question: what is consciousness?
- He has an answer to the question: why does the universe exist?
- He seems surprised at how little discussion there has been of his answer to the question: why does the universe exist?
Some of the things Stephen Wolfram created:
- 1987 Wolfram Research
- 1988 Mathematica
- 2009 Wolfram Alpha
- 2014 Wolfram Language
- 2020 Wolfram Physics
Other people involved in the Wolfram Physics Project:
Other people mentioned in this episode:
- Freeman Dyson – quote
- Sean Carroll – quote – Mindscape podcast – episode #155 with Stephen Wolfram
- Katie Mack – quote
- Adam Mastroianni – The rise and fall of peer review
- Father Strickland – quote
Brilliant people of the past:
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Gregor Mendel
- Nikola Tesla
- Aristotle
- Galileo Galilei
- Isaac Newton
- Albert Einstein
- Max Born
- Paul Dirac
- Werner Heisenberg
- Erwin Schrödinger
- Wolfgang Pauli
Other episodes of The Last Theory mentioned:
- Why has there been no progress in physics since 1973? – article ⋅ podcast ⋅ video
- Peer review is suffocating science – article ⋅ podcast ⋅ video
- Wolfram Research now has over 800 employees
- Freeman Dyson 2005 by ioerror licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
The Last Theory is hosted by Mark Jeffery, founder of Open Web Mind
for fresh insights into Wolfram Physics every other week
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