The Last Theory
The Last Theory
The Last Theory
    Episode #042    
13 July 2023
One rule
to rule them all?
Jonathan Gorard

In the early days of the Wolfram Physics Project, Stephen Wolfram seemed to be seeking a single rule that, when applied to the hypergraph, could generate our universe.

More recently, however, Wolfram has promoted the idea of the ruliad, the application of every possible rule to the hypergraph.

So I asked Jonathan Gorard, who was instrumental in the founding of the Wolfram Physics Project, whether all rules might be applied to generate our universe, or whether he was searching for one rule to rule them all.

Stephen Wolfram’s 2010 TED talk in which he said he was committed “to see if within this decade we can finally hold in our hands the rule for our universe”.

Jonathan Gorard

Concepts mentioned by Jonathan


The Last Theory is hosted by Mark Jeffery, founder of Open Web Mind

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